• grue@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    What part of

    then put your food waste in the compost

    did you not understand?

    • AA5B@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      This part

      or trash

      Yes, disposal can take care of the same subset of foods as composting and in pretty much the same way.

      • composting is a better choice if you garden but otherwise is extra steps
      • disposal is much more convenient, but if you don’t know what’s appropriate you may clog your plumbing. Or if you have a septic system, it probably wasn’t designed for that and will clog.

      I rest easy knowing the food I put in the disposal is ground up and mixed with biological waste so is quickly digested on the way to the sewage treatment plant. I further know we have advanced treatment such that any remaining food sits in a digester for 30 days before being filtered and the remaining indigestible fraction sent to a landfill. I also have a reasonable handle on what to use it for, so have never had a plumbing issue.

      Coffee is the only problem area. The grounds would be good to compost but bad to put in the disposal