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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Trojan is any malware that pretends to be a legit program. It does not need to have backdoor or info stealing capability even though most malware (trojan or not) today does. For example, pre-Internet trojans might just invisibly install themselves along the actual program they were bundled with and then nuke the system on a certain date. Antivirus companies would even advance the date on their systems in hopes of detecting these and being the first to develop a patch.

    But since this program is not malicious, it just straight up hogs system resources and/or crashes it due to a mistake, it cannot be considered malware and therefore not a trojan.

    Certain Intel processors from around 2000 would crash everything when loading the 4 bytes F0 0F C7 C8 into a specific register. Would you consider this a backdoor because it allows any program to crash the system? I wouldn’t say so, crashing Windows 98 was probably not too hard anyway…

  • Input devices almost never use USB 3.0. In fact, most manufacturers save money and don’t shield the cable, forcing half-speed USB 1.1, which is enough for all mice and keyboards - less than 50 kb/s of the available 6 Mb/s is required even for 240Hz polling. High-end mice might have USB 3.0 (9 pins instead of 4 in the plug) but there should be no practical difference between 3.0 and 2.0 speeds. The polling rate will most likely be identical and the microsecond difference between how long each takes to transfer the data is likely way lower than lag from the mouse’s wireless connection.

    Just use any USB 2.0 hub, even $2 ones from AliExpress will work the same as high-end ones. Most are sold with 4 ports because that’s what their standard generic chip does. You probably have one lying around or built into the monitor. You’re unlikely to cause interference so just choose any spot with strong signal to the desk area, not necessarily line-of-sight: if the mouse works everywhere within 2 meters from the intended area, then the intended area will have good signal and minimal chance of dropout. The lag or polling rate does not decrease with signal strength unless you count extra nanoseconds the radio waves need to travel.

    The only difference is when you need another port for high-speed applications such as mass storage devices or MTP with your phone, at which point just plug them directly into the PC for max speed.

  • They are purposefully slowing down old.reddit.com. Expect a lot of refugees when its inevitable shutdown happens.

    Anyway, infrastructure mismanagement is typical for late-stage enshittification. Value of the company goes down, and execs who have sold their shares high are quietly stealing equipment from the datacenter to get some value out of it. (Not literally, they just fire any techs who suggest overdue upgrades and give themselves a bonus for making such a difficult decision.)