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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I don’t think he really is that stupid (or at least used to be, IDK how much of his intellect he has left given the decline we’ve been seeing lately). What he is, is extremely intellectually lazy. He believes that he can make good decisions by “instinct”, without ever taking some time to think about it, do some research or consulting experts. He believes that this is what being intelligent is. He just says and does whatever feels good at the time, thinking that being “so smart” means he doesn’t need to do any work at all to make good decisions. And whenever whatever he said was inevitably revealed as false or stupid, only then he will actually make an intellectual effort to bullshit and manipulate his way out of it. And this ability to perform the mental gymnastics to keep himself in denial over his incompetence is something that he has become outstandingly good at. His followers are just people who buy into those mental gymnastics.

  • Day 1 after implantation: this is great! I now have photographic memory of everything! Best decision ever.

    Day 20: I’ve memorized so much so fast, I’m going to have to go for the next higher up subscription level to unlock more storage.

    Day 200: I’m running out of space again. Going for the plus subscription.

    Day 600: ran out of storage space again. I can’t afford the next higher subscription. I’m going to have to start deleting unnecessary memories. My brain has lost its natural ability to make and retain memories by itself. I can’t even function on a daily basis without free storage space.

    Day 700: I have run out of memories that I’m willing to part away with. I still can’t afford the higher subscription. Luckily there is a cheaper tier. All I have to do is give NeuraLink full access and rights over my memories for marketing and AI training purposes.

    Day 900: They have increased the cost of subscription. I can’t afford it. I’m going to lose half of my storage space. I have two days to choose which of my memories to keep. The rest will be no longer accessible to me, but will still be used by Neuralink for their own purposes as they own those memories now.

    Day 1200: the chip will no longer be supported next month. I can’t afford the new model. It will be disabled in 30 days.

    Day 1235: I have just found this diary. It explains a lot. I only wished it told me what my name is.