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Cake day: December 19th, 2023

  • That definition goes with “spinning” the story. However this goes beyond just spinning and it’s much more than just whitewashing over a couple imperfections. This is completely rewriting his words and campaigning for the man.

    This is taking spinning a story to a new level and “sane-washing” just doesn’t convey the weight of their actions. With these actions, the New York Times is more like Trump’s A-team campaign management. It’s almost like a reverse Dunning-Kruger Effect, where they attempt to make him look like he has ideas and substance when there isn’t any.

  • Hormone therapy is an external change to align with how someone internally identifies. Taking hormones doesn’t change how a person identifies themself.

    Conversion therapy is an attempt at an internal change to align their identity with how they are perceived externally.

    While I could see someone out there attempt to conflate the two, they are fundamentally different. Not to mention the data showing how HRT is helpful and conversion therapy is harmful.

    Frankly, the conversion camps should all be banned due to the wide-spread use of vomit-inducing drugs, electrodes placed on the body, pornography, and shame tactics used on minors. I still can’t see why they can be legal when there are camps that strap minors to a chair, force them to view pornographic images, and shock them when they view people of the same biological sex.

  • At the time of their invention, railroads were huge for industry. We could now transport a lot of heavy goods quickly across the state and country. We needed someone to be in charge of the railroads, trains, and their regulations.

    Nowadays, the railroad commission doesn’t have jurosdiction over rails in TX, instead they have primary regulatory jurisdiction over the oil and natural gas industry, pipeline transporters, natural gas and hazardous liquid pipeline industry, natural gas utilities, the LP-gas industry, critical natural gas infrastructure, and coal and uranium surface mining operations.


    I think the idead behind it being an elected position, rather than an appointed position, is to mitigate corruption. If the citizens see corruption taking place in the department, they can elect a new railroad commissioner in a few years that will set it all straight.

  • It’s usually a 5 minute process in TX too, people just wait until the very last minute to cast a vote.

    We have had a 2 week voting period since 1980, we were actually the first state to allow an early voting period. The polls are Aldo legally required to be open at least 9 hours the first week and at least 12 hours the second week and final day of voting. If there’s even a line during the first 2 weeks, it’s 10 minutes max. People just drag their feet and then complain to everyone else, which keeps people from voting.

  • TX has 2 weeks to vote. There’s never a line longer than 10 minutes if there’s a line at all, except for the final day. It’s definitely apathy, waiting until the last day.

    This year, polls will be open from Oct 21- Nov 1, with a final day to cast a vote on Nov 5. Polls will be open at least 9 hours the first week and at least 12 hours (typically 7AM-7PM) during the second week and final day of voting. Polling hours and locations can be checked at www.votetexas.gov once they are released in October. Some polls may be open on the weekend as well!

  • Even Hillary almost flipped the state. If only 5% more of the registered voters had cast a vote for her, she would have won! The problem is that people just won’t go to the polls. We were the first state to have an early voting period (since 1980) but people just won’t take 15 minutes to stop by a polling station on their way somewhere. There’s never a line during the 2 weeks weeks of early voting.

    Check voter registration and polling location/hours (won’t be posted until October) at www.votetexas.gov

    Polls open Oct 21-Nov 1, with one final day to vote on Nov 5. Don’t procrastinate and you won’t have to wait in line!