Reddit refuge

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The problem is that there is value in legal systems producing consistent results, especially when it comes to the kind of law both sides can spend millions on. Without consistency, the legal system backs up more than now as rulings are so wildly different that it makes sense to play the lottery with the courts. That causes cases to sit even longer and defense costs to raise higher for smaller participants.

    And if the system doesn’t perform well for those less advantaged, courts aren’t the best place to defend making this systematic change. At best, it acts as a relief valve to pushing actionable political change.

  • There has been a big push to reintroduce humanity into the border policy, but I don’t know if there is a big push to allow for more undocumented immigration in the USA.

    The DREAM Act is about addressing the existing population within the USA. Getting rid of having kids in cages doesn’t exactly mean letting those kids in the country, but processing them quickly and humanely while under Federal custody; that processing includes likely deportation.

    Most support for immigration I’ve seen has been in increase openings for legal immigration or increasing the acceptance of refugees.

  • The article isn’t about Americans being upset, just noticing a trend in the market.

    The wheat market in general has had better growing and shipping conditions now than two years ago, including within China’s internal market. If China is growing more wheat internally and can get a decent deal on Russian wheat due to Russian sanctions, it makes sense that China wouldn’t need to buy as much from other markets.