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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Yea, it’s certainly more complicated than a simple IP bans.
    Reddit uses a shit ton of fingerprinting on top of just using the IP.
    IP info can be a part of said fingerprinting, but banning just an IP is moot and easily bypassed with a lot of possible collateral damage they’d want to avoid.
    IP bans could ban unrelated accounts that happened to connect from your workplace proxy or mobile ISP proxy, but is easily bypassed by anyone with even a free VPN or coffee shop wifi.

    I’m sure they have extensive data points to connect the dots between alt accounts, but it’s assuredly not using only IPs.

  • OP is a racist jumping through alt accounts. In their mind, they’re making of fun of some imaginary dissonance between people liking the person in the top image and not liking the person in the bottom image.

    They only ever see through the perspective of a racist.
    In their tiny mind, “other race = inherently bad”, so to them, non-racist people must surely be going… “other race = inherently good”.

    To them, race here was some magic card they can pull out as a gotcha, as if we should like Musk because he’s African.

    Their little brain cannot fathom we might dislike Musk because he’s a billionaire narcissist sociopath and not because he was born in Africa.