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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Because “AI” isn’t actually “artificial intelligence.” It’s the marketing term that seems to have been adapted by every corporation to describe “LLMs…” which are more like extra fancy power guzzling parrots.

    Its why the best cases for them are mimicking things brainlessly, like voice cloning for celebrity impressions… but that doesn’t mean it can act or comprehend emotion, or know how many fingers a hand should have and why they constantly hallucinate contextless bullshit… because just like a parrot doesn’t actually know any meaning of what it is saying when it goes “POLLY WANT A CRACKER…” it just knows the tall thing will give it a treat if it makes this specific squawk with its beak.

  • feel free to tell me how you’ll get 67 votes without compromise for single payer healthcare


    The same way LBJ got assholes blocking his legislative goals to move out of the way : http://www.americanyawp.com/text/wp-content/uploads/Lyndon_Johnson_and_Richard_Russell.jpg

    The same way FDR got the conservative leaning Supreme Court to stop blocking his agenda

    …And if that doesn’t work. I want some Machiavellian shit. I want Kamala to inform Joe Manchin that “it would be a shame if his daughter - who bought the rights to the Epipen were to have that shit investigated and nationalized under the Sherman Act since it is imperative to national security that emergency medical care be available at a reasonable price for all Americans who need it… that it would be a shame if the EPA came and investigated his yacht for potential violations…”

    I want every single thing investigated and paperwork dumped on these ACTUAL shitheads blocking the good things ALL Americans should be demanding… and I want Harris at the bully pulpit clearly blaming and POINTING right in the faces of those blocking it… directing Americans’ collective righteous fiery ire where it is completely deserved, until they are TERRIFIED to NOT support her objectively magnanimous policy efforts.

    Trump did evil versions of this every day in office - it’s how we ended up with Jan 6th idiots storming the Capitol. The good version is just basically telling the truth and not being afraid of the whiny ultra-rich donors and ghoul rat liar fake D politicians who aren’t loyal to her anyway.

  • No, we don’t need compromise.

    No one wants compromise. No one wants the “one time mail-in rebate coupon” version of legislation.

    They want simple universal non-means tested policies that work everywhere else in the industrialized 1st world countries that cost billionaires real money that they can easily afford which then provides nearly every other American real tangible life-changing benefits.

    No one wants the compromised version of human rights. No one wants the compromised version of medical debt forgiveness. No one wants the compromised version of universal healthcare.

    DO NOT compromise AGAIN.

    If they wanna join that’s fine, but they come to over to OUR side.

    We don’t move to them.

    We don’t extend a hand. Biden and Obama did that with McConnell with olive branches like fucking Merrick Garland… and they still slapped the helping compromising hands away.

    Please don’t fall for the Lucy football shit yet again.

  • an endorsement != they’re setting policy

    You know that… I know that. Do the consultants and millionaire pundits in the beltway at the ears of those in power know that?

    I mean… so many of the people on TV seem to LOVE pretending there’s some sort of fairy-tale “middle-of-the-road” voter that only wants a little teensy tiny bit of genocide, racism, federal abortion ban, and just a little tiny 0.001% increase in taxes for billionaires… rather than just fascists / fascist apologists (Republican Trump supporters)… and people who don’t want fascist bullshit (everyone else).

  • I know we need to partner with everyone who will join us at the ballot… I just do NOT want the policies being reshaped in order to “better attract” the right-wingers - whose gutting of our already laughable social safety net was a key aspect that made so many increasingly desperate Americans far more vulnerable to demagoguery like that which is constantly espoused by figures like Trump.

    The real solution is clearly laid out as history has multiple examples to show.

    When people can’t meet their base socioeconomic needs, they are more vulnerable to this shit. So raise the baseline standards such that everyone who isn’t a billionaire is far better off - no medical debt, no student debt, affordable rent and housing, job and financial stability, and being able to afford to have a family.

    Do NOT do cuts to our already barely-existing social and economic safety nets.

  • Ok how about this :

    They can join, but I’d better not hear the D leaders basically saying to Romney and McConnell ilk : “Sit up here, friend! 😘Now you can join us and take the wheel to help us steer our country somewhere better!”

    If they don’t want to fuck this up, they’d better say to any of these likely turncoats : “sit down and row ya bilge rat. If I think yer not tryin’ yer damndest or look to not be doing yer part I’ll lock ye cockle shells in irons and toss yer ass as a meat anchor to the bloodthirsty sharks in the depths below.”

  • I mean… I don’t WANT these asshats feeling welcomed to our side just like I don’t want a billionaire talking at the DNC, and I don’t want a Republican getting speaking time while others with much more important less ethically reprehensible things to say aren’t allowed even 3 minutes on stage.

    I want us to win despite these people, with folks like Lena Khan getting more props. I don’t want the endorsement of these rats jumping from the sinking R ship to the D ship because they smell some cheddar they might can come nibble on.

  • I hate to break this to everyone who thinks that “AI” (LLM) is some sort of actual approximation of intelligence, but in reality, it’s just a fucking fancy ass parrot.

    Our current “AI” doesn’t understand anything or have context, it’s just really good at guessing how to say what we want it to say… essentially in the same way that a parrot says “Polly wanna cracker.”

    A parrot “talking to you” doesn’t know that Polly refers to itself or that a cracker is a specific type of food you are describing to it. If you were to ask it, “which hand was holding the cracker…?” it wouldn’t be able to answer the question… because it doesn’t fucking know what a hand is… or even the concept of playing a game or what a “question” even is.

    It just knows that it makes it mouth, go “blah blah blah” in a very specific way, a human is more likely to give it a tasty treat… so it mushes its mouth parts around until its squawk becomes a sound that will elicit such a reward from the human in front of it… which is similar to how LLM “training models” work.

    Oversimplification, but that’s basically it… a trillion-dollar power-grid-straining parrot.

    And just like a parrot - the concept of “I don’t know” isn’t a thing it comprehends… because it’s a dumb fucking parrot.

    The only thing the tech is good at… is mimicking.

    It can “trace the lines” of any existing artist in history, and even blend their works, which is indeed how artists learn initially… but an LLM has nothing that can “inspire” it to create the art… because it’s just tracing the lines like a child would their favorite comic book character. That’s not art. It’s mimicry.

    It can be used to transform your own voice to make you sound like most celebrities almost perfectly… it can make the mouth noises, but has no idea what it’s actually saying… like the parrot.

    You get it?

  • Translation :

    “Because I’m a fucking ghoul rat, I see the shit-smelling Trump ship sinking. So now I want to pretend that - even though I voted for the skid-mark 3 times - I’m someone you should definitely see as a decent person because only now (but not after he said “grab them by the pussy” or when he made fun of the disabled reporter, or when he threw kids in cages, or when he lied constantly, spouted demagoguery, or pushed his supporters to storm the Capitol building in D.C.) - when he looks to be politically vulnerable - I want to distance myself and pretend I’m somehow worthy of praise while also hoping to be able to be re-elected eventually when people start looking at voting for Rs again.”