A 50-something French dude that’s old enough to think blogs are still cool, if not cooler than ever.

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023


  • Hello Science Community, Thank you for taking the time to review this manuscript. While it includes philosophical elements, it also explores scientific ideas that I hope will spark thoughtful discussion and constructive criticism. I look forward to your feedback. Thank you again!


    You are sharing your personal opinion in that text (and, yep, I read it). That’s not science and it’s not philosophy.

    Opinions are fine. I mean, we all have opinions and they can differ widely from person to person. That’s the reason why they’re called personal opinions. But they’re just that, opinions, aka the expression of personal judgments/values and personal preferences.

    I don’t like bananas’ is a personal preference of mine. ‘I think bannas taste like shit’ is my personal opinion on them. My preference and my opinion say absolutely nothing about bananas and their qualities as a fruit. At best, they state a fact about me. Not about the bananas which, obviously, are perfectly fine fruits whether I like them or not.

    Despite the intense dumbing down going on on in our societies, opinions and preferences don’t make a science. And if they can sometimes be considered a starting point to a (or some makeshift) philosophy , they still need a little more work — the important words in the latter definition being ‘system’, ‘analysis’, ‘theory’ and ‘understanding’, not expressing one’s opinions.

  • Sorry, I can’t switch to Firefox, as I’ve never not used Firefox.
    I used it already when it was called Netscape. Before that I used Mosaic, which itself is not entirely stranger to Netscape creation.

    Also, FF is not “a great alternative to Google Chrome”. FF is a great browser in its own right. (Almost) always has been. And how could it be considered an alternative to anything when it was there first (or second, right after Mosaic)?

  • Like did we forget about the whole “respect other people’s opinions” thing?

    I cant say if we have forgotten it or not, but it sure looks like we don’t want to hear about it very much.

    It’s all turned binary (pun intended): you’re with us or you’re against us, either you’re good or you’re evil (and then, you deserve to be eliminated). Which is as saddening as it is is… stupid.

  • So I am looking for generic communities that focus on mobile privacy that doesn’t have drama or toxicity or “extreme opinions”. Any suggestions?

    the excessive and constant noise a limited number of people is making, their rage when it’s not pure hatred against whatever they don’t like or whoever they don’t agree with, is the main reason why, a Linux user worrying about privacy myself, I decided to stop wasting my time online with any such ‘tech’ communities. It has become almost impossible to have an open and calm discussion on any topic without someone jumping in and barking like some crazy dog — because reasons.

    No matter what their reasons or motivations are to be angry or hateful, I have zero desire to listen to endless rabid barking. There isn’t much to learn in that, at least when you’re not a dog.

    And I have no time for that either: we only have a limited amount of time to live before the game is over and there is no extra life to get, no second chance. I realized that a few years ago and decided I would not waste a second more of my time dealing with those constantly frustrated or hateful people. In tech or elsewhere.

    Tech-wise, I have had much more stimulating and enriching discussions in communities that are not tech (or privacy or security or Linux)-related but communities where tech can still be discussed and debated (including by very competent tech people) just always in a broader discussion that don’t focus on tech itself.