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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I honestly can’t recall if it was some sort of geopolitical analysis in the comments or actual news anymore, but years ago I read that climate change and the collapse of the North Atlantic Current would eventually open up vast areas of Siberia to mining/drilling, improve farming conditions in Russia, harm farming, solar, and wind in Western Europe, while dropping the temps in Western Europe. It would also raise temps in the eastern/southern U.S. and make hurricanes more dangerous and economically damaging along the entire Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
    What I read concluded that climate change would be a major boon to Russia and any sensible leader there would want to facilitate it.

  • Almost all of their weapons platforms are based on U.S. tech. They aren’t going to replace all their equipment because they can’t buy replacement ammo and parts for a few months.

    But I’m going to help you here:

    Legislation enacted under Bush in 2008 requires that the U.S. ensure Israel maintain a qualitative military edge in the Middle East.

    You have been arguing the wrong thing all along. Instead of trying to justify the sale of military weapons to Israel, you should simply say “It sucks, and it reveals how broken politics is that this deal cannot be undone between the shitheels in Congress, and the broken campaign finance laws that are allowing Israel allied interests to outright buy the loyalty of politicians or elect politicians loyal to them.”

    Boom, done. You get to have your “you can’t stop the genocide” moment of gloating, and you can avoid all of the wasted energy and negativity. You keep insulting the intelligence of others, but you’re digging your heels in with easily defeated arguments. I don’t know what to say, bud.

  • Backing up, so this isn’t buried in the comment thread. You mention land wars and highlight Vietnam and the world wars.

    When the other commenter replies specifically about how logistics were vital to those wars, you say there were other wars, and when they corner you in that, you insist they aren’t defining land war right?

    I would love to know what you believe the aforementioned enlightened conversations would entail. Just explain it - I’m not going to challenge your explanation. I’m legit curious.
    Preemptively, though - if you’re focusing on what the wars were “about,” rather than how they’re prosecuted, then you’re arguing a moot point. The “about” is meaningless if the participants lack the ability to make war.

    What of the other wars you mention that you haven’t given a name to? Which wars? In what ways do they not fit the bill for logistics?

    And finally, what is your definition for land war, if that’s vital to understanding your comments?

  • Correct. I was not diagnosed 10 years ago.

    I can’t believe that the sudden rise in diagnoses’ is being seen as anything other than the first generation of adults that take mental health seriously finally reached a point in life where they had health insurance and disposable income to focus on their own mental health.

    I have had ADHD all my life. When my mom died, I found letters in her things from my school counselor advising I be tested. I found letters from pissed off family members telling her to get me tested.
    She didn’t do any of that. But I do remember the time she told me she never got my sister tested for dyslexia because she knew “none of [her] babies were retarded.”

  • I’ve got a friend that is pretty deep in their Palestine support, to the extent they are part of a social media bubble, and their entire bubble is full of articles and opinions painting Shapiro as an anti-Palestine, extreme Zionist, who is former IDF.

    That’s the information they lead off with when characterizing him - no mentions of his criticisms of Netanyahu.

    Michigan’s large Muslim population wrote off Biden, and the pivot to Harris showed a pretty big jump in support for her vs him. I think that Shapiro would absolutely cost her the race in MI.

    Of course, the opposite could be true - Jewish voters (as well as the incredibly powerful AIPAC) may lean in to Trump if Kamala appears to be too critical of Israel. Shapiro could temper those sentiments.