Cryptography nerd

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Did you read about the Trump peace deal (organized via his kids!), which would require only Palestinians to make concessions, giving up land, giving up freedoms, being subject Israel’s security forces, giving them no rights, and which gave all power to Israel (and which obviously fell through)?

    Biden applies political pressure on Netanyahu to push for ceasefire:

    Trump plans to pressure Palestinians:

    The plan proposed a series of Palestinian enclaves surrounded by an enlarged Israel,

    Netanyahu announced that the Israeli government would immediately annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements while committing not to create new settlements in areas left to the Palestinians for at least four years. U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman claimed that the Trump administration had given permission for an immediate annexation, stating that “Israel does not have to wait at all”

    The plan itself places no conditions on Israel with regard to proposals to “annex parts of the West Bank”.[8]

    The plan puts the Palestinians on probation, establishing a set of conditions they must meet and adopting Netanyahu’s view that a shrunken Palestinian entity will be a state in name only; Israel will control of its borders, air space, electro-magnetic spectrum, foreign policy and security

  • The biggest individual difference is that bluesky makes identity independent of the hosting server (via cryptographic keys) and makes content location independent of the hosting server (via content addressing).

    And these features together also enable more efficient caching and propagation in the network as well as enabling features like custom feeds and 3rd party moderation tooling which works the same independently of which server you’re on. So Bluesky can give you a better global view of the network and more efficient communication between users on many different servers in the same thread.

    Ironically enough, Jack’s other favorite place Nostr (which is built as P2P with repeater nodes) is also adding moderation tooling similar to that in Bluesky (labelers making use of the content addressing and account key ID) to flag stuff