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Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • Well i’m Russian and also a socialist, believe me I love that book too! in fact there was a character named Molly in it that voiced similar sentiments about animalism being unpopular ;)

    In fact the war itself was also popular in 1914, everyone was raring to go and show those dam frenchmen what for. But surely it’s obvious the German people at large were wrong not to believe the communists!

    And it’s a tragedy that it took direct experience of the devastation and millions of casualties for them to change their minds about it and stage a revolution in 1918.

    What happened in Germany after the communist revolution is a whole other story of course.

  • I was trying to draw a comparison to how the KPD formed in the first place. they were a group within the spd who were horrified at their colleagues voting in support of a brutal imperialist war and left (or rather were kicked out) of the party. Imo there has to be a moral line somewhere after which you refuse to vote for or even be in government with people who do monstrous things.

    And it is not just the uk’s system of elections, as I mentioned this pattern happens across all of Europe and the United States, which leads me to also believe it’s an inherent feature of “liberal” bourgeois democracy and the kpd were right to roll the dice and try to fight it through non electoral means.

  • I mean, we’re seeing the same thing (sans the communist orgs) play out in real time across Europe now. In Britain, labor purges Jeremy corbyn and his ilk, then gets elected with a solid mandate, then promises to gut the NHS and promotes transphobic policies (for no material benefit) in the name of coalition building anyway.

    What distinguishes these “bipartisan” labourists and their american equivalents from the Tories except different colored hats? Would you also blame corbyn for running against these people?

  • The main draw of telegram is not that it is secure it’s that it’s basically unmoderated. As a Russian I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with government censorship (dissent being equated to extremism and treason, LGBT advocacy equated to pedophilia) and it leads me to be deeply distrustful of the concept in a way similar to first amendment fanatics in the US (the first amendment is one of the uniquely good things about america you can’t get in other “civilized” “western” countries). I suspect durov might have similar sentiments (though ofc I don’t condone all the bad shit posted in the network and would prefer if it was moderated).

    Still, whatever its faults, Telegram is the last remaining open social network in Russia where you can write whatever you like to a large audience and the government won’t be able to remove it. They censored and blocked pretty much all the other ones.