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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I hate to agree but I don’t think you’re wrong, and accept the down votes in advance. She did some things well though, the trolling on rallies was actually her sneakiest trick to rattle him. I think she could’ve performed better but maybe she learned some lessons for a second debate.

    Overall I think there was a double standard on mic control, whenever he wanted to talk they let him. He even got to speak during fact checks, what the fuck is that? On the flip side, they didn’t unmute her on rebuttals and he made a point to tell her to shut up if she spoke over him.

  • Yeah, I just don’t see the comparison the OP made here. I’m willing to relent that Britain has done more harm than good to India but I’m no expert so I’d defer to someone smarter here.

    But the even crazier thing is that the article isn’t even talking about famine caused by the British Raj… No, they’re saying Churchill was the aggressor and Hitler was pushed into a fight he didn’t want. And the craziest part is the statement that the concentration camps were mercy kills to prevent starvation.

  • Do you remember pre-mass-adoption of the internet? These headlines remind of the hoax/canned spam emails, like the, “forward this on to 50 people or a loved one will die” type stuff.

    Back then idiot friends would occasionally sign in to AOL from dial up and send those to me. Decades later we’ve turned the hoax email “To: field” into an “@” soap box that reaches thousands and echoes far quicker. I think we used to be blissfully ignorant and much less influenced back then. I miss that version of my mom, the one that didn’t think masks are satanic rituals.

    E: I don’t want to come off as head in the sand, old ways are the best… I’ve developed a much better world view since the internet came along and that’s a good thing.