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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • The OP article is a synopsis of a synopsis, now so shallow and devoid of nuance to be meaningless.

    Russia and Iran have both undertaken cyber influence operations headed into the 2024 presidential election. In our last report, published on August 8, we detailed how Iranian cyber-enabled influence operations sought to undermine the Republican campaign through targeted hack-and-leak operations, covert social media personas, and imposter US news sites. In the past two months, Microsoft has observed a notable shift in Russian influence operations tactics reflecting the changing U.S. political environment. Specifically, we have observed Russia pivot towards targeting the Harris-Walz campaign, with actors disseminating fabricated videos designed to sow discord and spread disinformation about the new Democratic nominee Vice President Harris.

    Source and an abbreviated summary from MS.

    The lengthy report for those with the interest and technical competance.

    Understanding propaganda, both external and internal, has become critically important to our collective future. Please, read more books: 1984; The Engineering of Consent; The Manufacturing of Consent. Then, do more than vote and engage others locally when doing it.

  • No. American and allied troops fought in the Vietnam conflict. Our strategy evolved in the Cold War and proxy wars. A proxy war is fought only with fiscal, humanitarian, and arms support.

    For example, we destroyed Afghanistan in the 80’s by supporting the mujahideen fighting against the Soviet Union: a proxy war. Unable to communicate what’s been done, they resorted to extreme violence in September, 2001. So, we fucked 'em all the war back to 17th century religious persecution.

    I’m a born American. I love so much about this country at the roots of the land and people I meet in it. But, it’s totally fucking rotten at the top and we refuse to admit it. If we did then we’d have to do something about it. Then, it quickly becomes obvious that voting isn’t going to do jack shit. That’s scary as fuck.

  • Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

    When a revolutionary speaks truth and justice to sheep they hate them for it. The sheep want the convenient, short term comfort of bandwagon safety. They’ll readily sacrifice their shallow moral and ethical principles to defend this feeling. They’ll viscously attack all who disturb it.

    Some of us commit our lives to the fight for future lives of dignity. Some communicate with words, some with actions, and many with both. But, words are increasingly meaningless: Our semantic appropriated, reading comprehension taking a nose dive, attention spans less than a minute, human communication itself corrupted in capitalization of technology.

    Aaron Bushnell killed himself to communicate with you. It’s not horrific. It’s what’s necessary.

    And then I realized they were stronger than we. Because they could stand that these were not monsters. These were men … trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love … but they had the strength … the strength … to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men, then our troubles here would be over very quickly.

  • Stein sucks. She’s there because she pays Executive Committee bills. No one votes Green for candidate as that candidate can’t win. They hope 5% vote Green, which would put their platform on every ballot in 2028, which would attract a quality candidate to represent it. There was an influx of new persons during COVID. Now, the masses must be inoculated with propaganda such that it cannot happen again when the DNC compromises everything they’ve promised us to suit corporate donors, once again.