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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Basically: The stance of the government is much more nuanced than usually appreciated in Germany, much less the world,

    What she didn’t mention, and that’s also part of the nuance, is that Germany basically dropped all support that can be dropped without leaving the Israeli moderates and the left-wing hung out to dry. And not just now, it only took a couple of days or weeks for much support to drop, after it became clear that the Kahanites are using the opportunity to get the genocide they always wanted. Which is, according to Germany’s reading, against Israel’s self-interest and therefore against Germany’s interest. Fascism in general, just for the record, not just Kahanites.

    It’d also be a hell of a nightmare for the chancellery to try to override bureaucrats in different ministries saying “well no we shouldn’t because there’s a not negligible probability that those weapons would be used in a genocide”: Those bureaucrats are only doing their duty, following the law, analysing things as they’re supposed to. Press would quickly get wind of it and all hell would descend upon the governing coalition. In more ways than one: Press and the people would be talking about topics that the government would rather not have anyone think or talk about loudly, because, well, nuance. You never want nuanced topics to be discussed loudly and heatedly, never ends well.

    Switching countries: The same nuance and need for tact comes into play when it comes to not losing the deep ties into Israeli politics and civil society over knee-jerk moralising. There are a fuckton of Israelis out there protesting the government, don’t want to lose them over not delivering air defence, they need all the support, moral or otherwise, that they can get. The Israeli left already lost enough Hippie Kibbutzim inhabitants in the September attacks (in case you ever wondered why the Israeli government gives less than a shit about the hostages: They’re largely lefties). Artillery shells? Different topic.

  • The limit on Moore’s Law has been more to the economic side than actually packing transistors in.

    The reason why those economic limits exist is because we’re reaching the limit of what’s physically possible. Fabs are still squeezing more transistors into less space, for now, but the cost per transistor hasn’t fallen for some time, IIRC about 10nm thereabouts is still the most economical node. Things just get difficult and exponentially fickle the smaller you get, and at some point there’s going to be a wall. Of note currently we’re talking more about things like backside power delivery than actually shrinking anything. Die-on-die packaging and stuff.

    Long story short: Node shrinks aren’t the low-hanging fruit any more. Haven’t been since the end of planar transistors (if it had been possible to just shrink back then they wouldn’t have engineered FinFETs) but it’s really been taking up speed with the start of the EUV era. Finer and finer pitches don’t really matter if you have to have more and more lithography/etching/coating steps because the structures you’re building are getting more and more involved in the z axis, every additional step costs additional machine time. On the upside, newer production lines could spit out older nodes at pretty much printing press speed.

  • Tensor cores have nothing to do with raytracing. They’re cut-down GPU cores specialising in tensor operations (hence the name) and nothing else. Raytracing is accelerated by RT cores, doing BVH traversal operations and ray intersections, the tensor cores are in there to run a denoiser to turn the noisy mess that real-time RT produces into something that’s, well, not messy. Upscaling, essentially, the only difference between denoising and upscaling is that in upscaling the noise is all square.

    And judging by how AMD has done this stuff before nope they won’t do separate cores, but make sure that the ordinary cores can do all that stuff well.

  • 5500 here. I can’t use any recent rocm version because the GFX override I use is for a card that apparently has a couple more instructions and the newer kernels instantly crash with an illegal operation exception.

    I found a build someone made buried in a docker image and it indeed does work, without override, for the 5500 but it’s using all generic code for the kernels and is like 4x slower than the ancient version.

    What’s ultimately the worst thing about this isn’t that AMD isn’t supporting all cards for rocm – it’s that the support is all or nothing. There’s no “we won’t be spending time on this but it passes automated tests so ship it” kind of thing. “oh the new kernels broke that old card tough luck you don’t get new kernels”.

    So in the meantime I’m living with the occasional (every couple of days?) freeze when using rocm because I can’t reasonably upgrade. Not just the driver crashes, the kernel tries to restart it, the whole card needs a reset before doing anything but display a vga console.

  • I’m sorry, but most people can go through puberty without masturbating in class

    What the fuck are you on about. Why are you bringing up random shit like that. That’s the sexual equivalent of smearing shit on the wall, likely due to severe personal trauma/neurosis, and definitely not something that can be addressed by internet role models. It’s a case for a psychologist. It also has nothing to do with dating advise.

    Andrew Tate and Trump are the exact opposites of being safe and having fun.

    I don’t think anyone in this whole thread disagrees. Certainly not me. What they do do though is telling you to grab em by the pussy, that’s absolutely terrible advise (unless you’re in an established relationship then YMMV), but it is advise and in the absence of good advise that’s what some kids will latch onto.

    They have desires, they have questions on how to go about fulfilling those. If they came to you and asked how to become a doctor, welder, or fashion designer, you’d probably be happy to oblige, but when it comes to finding a sexual partner? Generally, either crickets or terrible advise. From all directions. Most of my dates I got out of organically starting play fights during ordinary hanging out, and if you don’t have the attitude to pull it off naturally and without thinking with your dick when doing that that’s also terrible advise. But at least it’s not lying about the “be nice” / “she’s going to hook up with an asshole anyway” (apparent) paradox: There’s a difference between harmless and peaceful. Loom like a rollercoaster: Intimidating, yes, but not dangerous. If she wants a ride, she’ll get on. How did I learn that? Probably has something to do with my bigger sisters gang-tickling me.

    Which, actually, brings me to another structural problem: Kids have too few siblings nowadays and at least in many countries kindergarten, daycares etc. are terrible when it comes to fostering proper social development. In the US they probably arrest 3yolds for stealing scrunchies and sentence them as adults. You don’t learn conflict resolution if there’s no conflicts around, you don’t learn forgiveness if there’s nothing people can be sorry for because everything is wrapped in sterile bubble wrap. You also don’t learn it if an adult thinks forcing someone to say “sorry” is a resolution, ground zero for tokenism right there.

    but the best we can do is shut down and call Tate and co out for the absolute incels they are.

    Defeatist. Seriously. “The best we can do”? That attitude is toxic.

  • And why should a random snot-nosed kiddo do that while not having a role model to advise it. Sure, boys have no issue looking for role models when none are in their immediate surroundings – but then you also run the risk of them seeing “oh, people with money are respected” (after all, capitalism and everything) and “Oh, Tate has money and is confident and is talking to me”. The rest is tragedy.

    …kinda generational, btw: Reportedly Tate got the way he got by seeing some guy in a Lambo or something (literally or figuratively) spitting on a mechanic or something and saying to himself that he’s going to be the guy with the Lambo.