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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Oh for sure, they’ve made some progress and there are a lot of D reps and senators who want to do much more, I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. But, the modern American public at large act like the president is some grand arbiter of getting laws passed single-handedly. Many ignore that it’s Congress that’s the most dysfunctional component when it comes to actually getting things done for the last two-some-odd decades. Hell, we have tons of people that chalk up the entire state of the economy on a single person every election cycle, it’s craziness.

    Anyway, my point is that anyone that’s actually paying attention in good faith knows it’s almost entirely the GOP blocking healthcare reform. But, as we’ve especially learned these last 10+ years, many Americans don’t pay attention to reality.

  • That 8 years thing for healthcare could easily backfire. The majority of Americans are very fed up with our healthcare, and Democrats haven’t done much to fix it this administration either (not entirely their fault, we have a gridlocked Congress and Senate, after all). The concept of a plan quote is hilarious, though! My friends and I plan on using it at work from now on.

    Anyway, even most Republican media outlets have conceded that Harris won last night. As for the MAGA cult itself, I honestly haven’t bothered to go down that internet hole yet, nor am I likely to. I’m sure there’s countless bots/trolls spinning the story and creating a fake reality already, with plenty of zealots lapping it up because their collective delusion requires it.

  • Doesn’t that game require a massive amount of storage with all the expansions/add-ons installed? Doesn’t seem very Deck friendly, IMO. Especially for base model Decks. It’s one of the main reasons I don’t bother playing BG3 on it, either.

    Edit: I just looked and can’t get a concise answer, seems like tons of players’ install size differs by notable margins. Official site says it needs roughly ~95GB plus another ~30GB during the install process (guessing for temp install files during decompression/compression). Meanwhile, some players report folder sizes ranging from ~97GB all the way up to ~150GB. Regardless, seems ~95GB is the bare minimum which is still a lot for even the 500GB Deck models. And there’s no way the game would run comfortably off an SD card.

  • bassomitron@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    1 month ago

    Thanks for expounding upon that. It’s shit like this that gets spread around and older gens pat themselves on the back while shaking their head at the younger gen for not knowing something, despite it being taken out of context or even straight up false.

  • I think people are ignoring looking at this through the lens of anti-competitive behavior. Right now there is an alternative, yes. But Apple continues to grab the marketshare in the US (and some Asian and EU markets). However, there is no guarantee that will be forever. Sure, they support SMS now, but again, no guarantee that’ll continue to last.

    Apple has displayed on numerous occasions that they do not care about interoperability with other platforms and have even been outright hostile and aggressive against them. Just look what happened when some kid figured out how to make iMessage work on any other platform. Sure, that kid’s solution was hacky, but he was 16 years old. If one kid can do it, then there’s absolutely no justifiable reason seasoned software engineers can’t figure out a secure solution.

    It astounds me that there are so many people defending any company that not only encourages walled gardens, but in some cases aggressively enforces it. Yeah there are alternatives, but people are lazy and seek convenience. iMessage just works by default, and so many folks get annoyed or even sometimes confused when non-Apple users ask them to use a 3rd party app to communicate with modern features instead of being stuck with SMS’s severe shortcomings.

    That’s why I think the DOJ is justified in this. Because it is anti-competitive behavior.