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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You’re seeing anti-Stein rhetoric lately because it’s a Presidential election year and that’s the only time the Green party tries to be visible.

    I’m sure the two or three Green people at the local level believe in the party’s stated platform, but at the higher level it absolutely looks like the party exists only to siphon votes away from the Democratic party.

  • Their deaths do not matter to these people.

    It’s going to be women who spearhead the work to overturn these bans. Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about children being murdered in schools; the deaths of those “slutty sinful evil babykilling whores” but not me, I’m a good person who needed my abortion! isn’t going to make them change their minds. Remember: to a Republican, any fact which doesn’t conform to their worldview (like abortion bans increasing the number of dead women, or comprehensive sex ed and easy-to-access birth control reduces abortions) is just simply wrong.

  • evidence-based

    And all the evidence shows that, as the US is currently, voting for third-parties hurts you far more by allowing the major party that least represents you to win. You can’t claim to adhere to “evidence” if you don’t acknowledge that fact.

    Also, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I don’t want any of the current third parties to win. None of them are serious beyond being spoilers for the major parties- they don’t host voter drives, they don’t campaign for local and state elections, they don’t do anything for four years then show up and expect to have the same shot as the major parties.

    I’m perfectly happy voting for a party to win who agrees with 60% of what I want than getting 0% of what I want, because it’s the rational choice to make.

  • Nobody is saying the US system can’t be changed to accommodate third-parties.

    What they are saying is that third-parties aren’t viable the way things are now.

    You can’t elect third parties to change the system; the system has to be changed to elect third parties. Until then, voting for a third party is wasting a vote and advocating for others to do so is telling them to vote against the major party that is both more likely to win and also the one that more closely represents their values.

    The exception, of course, is if one of the major parties suffers an implosion like the Whigs did in the mid-1800s. But the Dems are more unified than ever and the Republicans are brainwashed by right-wing media, so I don’t see that happening any time soon.

  • TIL that “scientifically being able to prove the FPTP system the US uses will always devolve into a two-party system and make third-party candidates nothing more than spoilers” is “gaslighting” and “third-parties who do fuck-all for four years and curiously only show up to run for president instead of GOTV pushes and trying to win elections at local levels to build support for their party” is propaganda.

    Who knew? Well, aside from everyone who knows how the US system is set up and isn’t arguing in bad faith, that is.