Not ideologically pure.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 8th, 2024


  • That’s obviously hyperbolic, but it does unleash some fun mechanisms. I think it’s fair to assume many Swifties are apolitical - the demography of young voters it’s traditionally hard to get to vote. Not more so than previous generations, it’s just that they have other things they care about in their lives, unlike the old farts who always vote and always vote red.

    This endorsement will inevitably cause some GOP furniture fucker or another to attack Swift in public. And that’s when this becomes properly important - you do not want to start a war against Swifties in the current political environment.

    But I wouldn’t write Trump off before his dead, buried, and millions are doing pilgrimage to piss on his grave. Until then, we’ve learned better than to overestimate the American electorate.

  • Also, consider making an effort to positively interact with organisations that have done/are attempting to do the migration, assuming you care about them being here.

    Chances are they will count the number of interactions they receive in order to assess whether or not it’s worth staying around. Pressing the like/upvote/favourite button costs very little, and gives a strong signal that they should stick around. Commenting something positive and relevant or boosting their content is also great, but it takes a bit more commitment.

  • Check out OP’s post history: There’s at least a brief description in one old post:

    I opened up an old Canon flatbed scanner and more or less removed anything that wasn’t the sensor or the mechanical assembly pulling it along. The optical assembly is hacked together with black foam board, an acrylic magnifying glass and too much gaffers tape.

    Think of it as a pinhole shoebox camera with a scanner at the back, instead of photo paper or film.

    So it’s a scanner, but it’s highly modified into a camera.

    Also worth checking out OP’s other posts. It’s all pretty neat.

    I love this one! And the title (dual meaning: “weather” and “to be”) works great. Works equally well whether you see three hands gripping each other or a tree struggling to stay upright, presumably torn by the elements.

    Edit: Here’s a comment containing a picture of the camera and some information about the process!

  • Yeah, I think you’re right, and I think that’s exactly why it’s a blind spot for me.

    On several occasions I’ve also lent an old laptop to friends when theirs broke, and all of them ended up using Linux for months no questions asked. They later went back to Windows because of the Word grammar check, but other than that it just worked for them.

    But of course, if you can’t get your drivers to work it’ll be a completely different experience.

  • A test could be to start by using Libre software on Windows.

    Switch to LibbreOffice or some other alternative instead of Word. Gimp, Inkscape, and Krita for graphical stuff. Whatever proprietary software you use, check if it exists for Linux; if not, see if you can find an alternative you’re happy with.

    For the people I know, Word is the biggest deal breaker.

  • Dumb user here. I completely disagree with this.

    I was using Ubuntu for a few years, now I’m on Fedora. I don’t really know how to do anything. For my needs it’s just very easy.

    Maybe my needs just aren’t sophisticated enough for me to encounter all those problems I’m supposed to be having. But I’ve been using it for years and my experience is that it really just works.