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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • What a surprise, you consider your team the good guys and the other the bad guys, lmao.

    If you had values, you’d recognize shitty/stupid behavior no matter who is doing it. By giving your side a pass for behavior you’d absolutely criticize the other side for, you prove that you have no actual values. It’s team loyalty over integrity. Your comment just reinforced that. I’d put money down that

    By the way, calling out “he’s stinky!” as childish, which it objectively is, is not fucking FASCISM APOLOGY, lmaoooooooo. Ideologues are so over the top, hahahaha, holy shit! Listen to yourself, for crying out loud.

  • This problem will never get solved until men take ownership over it

    Why exactly, should having a chromosome in common with a violent criminal make preventing their crime more that person’s responsibility than anyone else’s?

    The crimes of men are not ‘owned’ by men. The crimes of women are not ‘owned’ by women. Crime is a societal ill that society collectively is responsible for preventing/catching/etc., to the best of its ability.

    Don’t imagine you’d be good with a girl being physically abused by her mother reporting it to a male authority figure and being told ‘sorry, women gotta take ownership over this problem and solve it, it’s not men’s problem’, would you?

    Think for a moment and realize how bigoted this line of thinking actually is.

  • If you’re alluding to the actual deaths of the victims being equally bad no matter their gender because they are all humans, then congratulations for passing the lowest threshold for human decency.

    Yeah, and as low as that is, there are many in here who don’t pass it, so shame on them.

    Wanting to end femicide doesn’t mean you value women more than men, it’s pointing to a specific issue. It also doesn’t mean that other issues doesn’t matter.

    It’s the same sort of thing as when there was that big statement made some years back about ‘stop targeting women journalists’, alongside a statistic that 11% of the journalists who were killed over the prior year were women. In other words, ‘89% of killed journalists are men, so stop killing women’. At best, a statement like that comes off as foolishly ignorant–at worst, it comes off as callous and indifferent to male victims.

  • Is this article about a newborn being killed?

    Is the concept of an analogy really so far beyond you? Do you not understand my simple point that it would be completely unfair to point the finger at the entirety of the female sex and say “hey you, stop killing your babies”, based on a crime that a tiny percentage of them commit?

    And that therefore one might consider that it’s equally unfair to point the finger at the male sex, based on a crime that a tiny percentage of them commit?

    This is not exactly cryptic, you know.

    You’re the same clown that said [that it’s irrational to live life in fear of an event that has a 0.00147% of occurring]

    I did say that. Stating simple facts is not exactly what clowns do, though, you seem a bit confused.

    Fuck off, you hate women

    No, I hate fear-mongering used to manipulate, in all cases. In this case, it’s feminist fear-mongering that tries to deceive women into thinking that murderous men are always all around them, waiting to strike the moment their guard is down.

    Hate it just as much as sensationalized media that deceives the public into thinking the violent crime rate is much higher than it actually is. Just to give one sex-neutral example of the exact same phenomenon.

    You could say I hate manipulation via deception in general.

    and you’re trying desperately to gaslight them.

    This is straight-up projection–you can’t gaslight someone with facts, lol.