• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The Phenom 2?!

    I barely remember it, but yeah, it was a beast.

    But my 1700x went hard for five years. The only reason I tacked the extra 5 on was x3d changes things up.

    Now, since I’ve made that comment AMD has solved the Zen 5 latency issues but cutting it by more than half. That’s what was holding it back. So when the Zen 5 x3d comes out, it’s going to be nuts.


    It’s going to take a while for those changes to become industry standard. It might be a year before Zen 5 x3d, I’m not sure if they’ve even announced when. So games won’t take full advantage of them right away.

    It takes like a 4070 super to CPU bound a 7800x3d, and fine tune some settings and it’ll balance out

    We’re not going to have a new screen resolution jump, and that combo can max out 4k 120fps on pretty much anything thanks to frame generation without even touching upscaling.

    There’s just not a lot to improve until we see a major jump like VR finally taking off.

  • Daniels followed up. “But in the way that we send weapons and the way we interact as their ally, are there specific policy changes?”

    Harris said that she was “entirely supportive” of the Biden administration’s decision to pause a shipment of weapons. She then quickly turned back to a need for a ceasefire agreement.

    Literally nothing would accelerate the time table to a permanent ceasefire more than just not giving Israel any more weapons

    They wouldn’t have the munitions to keep up. And pretty much every other ally has already cut them off.

  • Why would he do a speech?

    He won’t be anywhere near DC this time.

    And even if there’s no “protest” as cover, 100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.

    Even if they’re five minutes away, these idiots really think they’ll be remembered as the new founding fathers. And can do a hell of a lot of damage if they swarm every entrance at once. Especially when it’s almost guaranteed some did it four years ago.

    They’ll 100% crash out over this, and if trump loses he’ll keep campaigning and doing rallys to stoke this shit. They’re not rational, and they have a shit ton of guns. We need to prepare appropriately

  • Right…

    Full on towers and NG decked out like they were in the desert.

    But anything less than that isn’t going to be enough. “Standby” isn’t enough.

    And I don’t think Biden will want that optics. And I don’t think Kamala will push him to do it for the same reasons

    I hope I’m wrong, it wouldn’t be the first time

    But I really don’t think we’ll have enough in place, and that trump will do anything to avoid prison.

    Hell, after last time they shouldn’t even let anyone close to the building. Set up a perimeter a block out and anyone that breeches doesn’t get back up again. I don’t think it’ll only take one bullet twice.

    Attacking Congress to overturn an election has to be the definition of “fuck around and find out”. It can’t be less than protesting for civil rights.

    It doesn’t matter what’s on standby off-site. Shit needs to be there and ready. A display of excessive force is the only thing that might prevent the attempt.

    If they think the only thing between them and Congress is a couple dozen cops in riot gear…

    trumpers aren’t known for their skills at risk assessment, they’ll go for it. Even knowing NG is a phone call away, they’ve blocked traffic in cities for dumber shit, the people doing it probably wouldn’t even know why they’re doing it, they’d think that was the whole “protest” like the rest of the city shutdowns they keep trying.

  • He literally can’t…

    It’s the only thing keeping him out of prison, and why despite the optics DC needs to be on lockdown for the certification in January. Full on towers and NG decked out like they were in the desert.

    If Trump loses he’s 100% planning it again, this time all gas no brakes. They’ll come in with guns from the start and kill anyone that isn’t a trumpet in the capitol.

    I don’t think people realize how lucky we were that they really thought they could just go in and “speak with a manager”. Most of the ones from last time are out of or never went to jail.

    Historically the second attempt is always bloodier. Winning the election is very unlikely to be the end of it.