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Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • It’s definitely a “red line”, but I work in a field that requires me to think about things long-term. To me, the genocide shit is bad and I am 100% behind Bibi and his administration being tried and hung for their atrocities. However, I also know it can get a whole lot worse for Palestinians, and the world was a whole, if anyone but a Democrat wins in November.

    Sure, we keep sliding to the right. But at least with Harris in office, we stand a chance of reversing a further slide. Without, we are sure to continue the slide at an even faster rate.

    Look past the shortsightedness of those that seek to distract you and try to see the bigger picture. We can’t do anything about the shit going on now if we don’t have a future.

  • Not this time. Cancer isn’t communicative and there is no one alive who has not known someone battling or lost from cancer. It’s not a personal failing of the individual and it doesn’t give a shit who you are or how you live. It just might be the first time that a Republican voter could tangibly see how the wealthy and Republicans look to keep them dead, rather than do something nonpartisan.

    Fuck a “win for Joe.” They just blocked a win for humanity. We all know that in the end, you bet your ass the wealthy will have no problem getting their hands on this no matter the price or extremes they have to go to as soon as they are personally affected.

    Seriously, buy ads on every type of public media display possible. It could read:

    F#k a win for Joe!* Republicans in Congress just voted to let you and anyone you love die in the name of letting you and anyone you care about die from cancer!

    Call your local representative and demand they put their partisanship aside, because I’m sick of seeing good people lose their lives to something that we now have the power to stop for the benefit of all of humanity!

    I don’t know. Maybe throw out shit about how even beloved pets get cancer and die even sooner than we expect because of this shit. Maybe show a picture of a sickly dog shining down from a glowing halo. I’m just spit-balling here. You all get it!