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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Conflict doesn’t equal armed insurrection or the assassination of political leaders. He can lose at the ballot box and die penniless. I’m fully aware of what a monster he is. Are we cool with assassinating other R’s? Some are just as vile if not more than him.

    Where’s the line? Who gets to decide who lives and dies? You? I’m sure you’re a nice and reasonable person, but I don’t trust you with that decision, let alone a gun nut, conspiracy theorist Trump voter. How long before someone retaliates and turns a gun on [insert favorite politician here]? Was the cycle of violence worth it then?

  • I linked an article with commentary, yes. When I read the original comment myself I was very put off by the tone/apparent attitude toward the subject. I still think it was an innocuous change they could have merged – I would’ve. I think the author of Ladybird is probably not a misogynist, but to be so blunt and dismissive on that PR was a questionable look IMO.

    He’s probably a nice guy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I am a man and I am affected 0% by this meme. This meme was a chance to display some empathy and understand why it might be that the bear analogy strikes a chord with many women.

    When I go to the grocery store, do I have to think about being snatched? My privilege affords me the convenience of not worrying about that. Do I need to worry about being sexually assaulted walking home? Statistically, probably not. There are a whole host of problems and horrific fates that befall women disproportionately, and very often at the hands of men.

    Why would a woman feel safer with a bear?

    The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear.

    Most attacks by black bears are defensive reactions to a person who is too close, which is an easy situation to avoid. Injuries from these defensive reactions are usually minor.


    Since 1784 there have been 82 fatal human/bear conflicts by wild brown bears in North America. Yellowstone National Park has seen a mere 8 since being established in 1872, which is only one more than the number of people who have died from a falling tree.


    Seems to me that even I would be safer with a bear than a man. Makes you think, doesn’t it?