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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • I can’t believe so many people are describing it that way. It’s clear there are plenty who will still vote for them.

    I just see this making the Democrats even more conservative since the few non-batshit Rs will start looking that way and the leadership will try to woo them. (as they already are)

    Progressives and actual leftists are going to be less represented, not more.

    At least that’s my gloomy take. I’d love to be talked out of it.

  • And maybe, just maybe she might be a tiny slither more progressive than Uncle Joe too, but now I’m probably dreaming.

    Ironically (in light of your comment) her clear conservative lean really concerns me. She’s backtracked on literally every progressive stance she held in 2020. This is the reason for her “my values haven’t changed” soundbite. Yes, R is trying to paint her as a flipflopper. I’m not doing that, I think she leaned into the social impact of BLM and the pandemic in 2020, and is now back to her conservative self.

    She seems like a decent person, but unless this is all an act to get elected (and if it isn’t her statements during the runup to the 2020 election were) she’s just going to pull us to the right slower than Trump would.

    Nothing would make me happier than to be wrong. Let’s see what she does on healthcare, UBI, police reform, corporate greed (price gouging grocery stores anyone?), and marijuana legalization. We already know she’s not going to do anything differently than Biden on gaza, which is to say continue to support Israel unconditionally.

    100% better than trump, and I will vote for her without hesitation on that alone. But we still don’t have a President on the horizon who will do more than tolerate the progressive left in their party. At least that’s how I see it.

    And maybe, just maybe she might be a tiny slither more progressive than Uncle Joe too, but now I’m probably dreaming.