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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Can we be real for a minute though?

    It’s still better than not having it as an option.

    By telegram existing, it diversifies the non private messaging landscape. It’s obviously not better than actually secure and/or private services, but the more options that are out there, the less centralization there is, which is a net positive.

    You just have to be aware of its limitations and don’t use it for anything significant. In that regard it’s no worse than something like discord.

    You already covered the warnings about not trusting it for privacy or security, so that’s really the beat you can do in informing people. Once you’ve done your due diligence for the people you care about, you gotta let them do what they’re gonna do. It’s either that or go hard and refuse to communicate on anything other than the services you deem best for your preferences and hope for the best

  • For anyone coming along and not trusting the title, it is misleading.

    Infrared is one of the things mosquitoes use to find a target.

    They still use CO 2 detection as part of their methods, this is in addition to, not instead of.

    Edit: the relevant section of text

    *Each cue on its own – CO2 , odor, or infrared – failed to pique the mosquitoes’ interest. But the insect’s apparent thirst for blood increased twofold when a setup with just CO2 and odor had the infrared factor added.

    “Any single cue alone doesn’t stimulate host-seeking activity. It’s only in the context of other cues, such as elevated CO2 and human odor that IR makes a difference,” says UCSB neurobiologist Craig Montell.

    The team also confirmed the mosquitoes’ infrared sensors lie in their antennae, where they have a temperature-sensitive protein, TRPA1. When the team removed the gene for this protein, mosquitos were unable to detect infrared.*

    In other words, they still use the previously known ways to find a meal, and this is how they work up close. That’s over simplified, but it’s the important part because it gives info on how to reduce being “bitten”. Loose clothing that covers the extremities diffuses the heat, making us “look” like we aren’t the right kind of target wherever the IR is spread out wrong to their antennae.

    The article is actually a really good one, but the title is crap

    Edit 2: the paper https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07848-5

  • Damn. I finally got around to reading the article. That’s a hell of a story.

    I can believe either main possibility though. It’s possible the dude just has a type, and a lot of really strange coincidence in his life. Unlikely that so many perfect coincidences exist, but not totally impossible (I’ve seen some weird shit in my fifty years).

    It’s also totally believable that someone would create alternate identities for any number of reasons, some of which aren’t necessarily bad, though the degree to which it went is out of line if that’s the case. But I kinda doubt it was done fully benignly if that’s what the truth is.

    And, I guess there’s always the possibility of a mix of those, with one or more of the three dubious people being real, and the rest fake.

    But dude nuking everything online is super suspicious.

  • Yah, that would be a great solution in comparison, but it’s still privacy invasive. Not as bad, but it’s still not giving people due process.

    Which, not everywhere in the world recognizes that principle as a right, I am aware. But I do consider due process a right, and scanning anything on anyone’s devices without a legally justifiable reason is a violation of that.

    I’m not willing to kowtow to a moral panic and just ignore the erosion of privacy “because the children”. And it is a moral panic. As bad as it is, as much as I personally would enjoy five minutes alone with someone that’s making or using kiddie porn of any stripe, it simply isn’t such a common thing that stripping everyone of their privacy, in any way is acceptable.

    They wanna figure out a way to target individuals suspected of that kind of crime, awesome. Untargeted, sweeping invasions simply are not acceptable, and I do not care what the purported reason of the week is; kiddie porn, terrorism, security, stopping drugs, I do not care. I have committed no crime, and refuse to give away the presumption of innocence for myself or anyone else.

  • Honestly? For that limited use, there’s really no need to switch.

    However, if you’re willing to do a little extra effort, Join, by joao apps can do what you’re wanting. The notes is easy as pie. Sending files to your own devices is easy. Then you just need a different file sharing method for others.

    It’s not a 1:1 replacement, obviously, but sending files via email, or other methods, when it’s only occasional isn’t something that needs to be part of a messenger service that you aren’t primarily using for messages in the first place. Keeping all your eggs in one basket isn’t always as good.

  • Man, that’s a shame. But there’s a limit to how much you can force a chicken into the coop. You do it often enough, and they stop letting you pick them up without a struggle, which kinda defeats the whole thing imo.

    We have a volunteer hen (a feral girl that shares the yard with us) that disappears for days at a time, and I worry about her getting killed by something, but it’s one of those things that keeping her safe would not only be difficult, but would make her scared of us instead of mostly friendly.

    Luckily, the full on pet hen loves the coop, and stays in it by preference when she’s outside at night (she usually sleeps inside, but sometimes decides she’s not in the mood lol), so she can be as safe as any chicken in a coop gets.