I’m just some guy, you know.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • they completely abandoned everything they ran on

    First and foremost, no she didn’t. She’s still one of the most progressive members of Congress, and she continues to fight for realistic progressive policies including universal healthcare, free college, and housing as a human right.

    You’re welcome to disagree though. Move to her district so you can campaign and vote against her if it really matters to you. Her district keeps reelecting her (82.2% of the vote this year) so I guess she presently represents them quite well.

    Or, if relocating so that you get a say in AOC’s representative abilities isn’t a part of your game plan, consider campaigning for the kind of representation you want to see for your current congressional district. Take a stand where you actually get a voice.

    But your constant opposition to Democrats, two months away from an election where Fascism is knocking at the door, isn’t helpful. If your goal is a progressive future, you need to be paying attention to what’s on the line right now. If your priority is to purity test Liberals instead of campaigning against Fascist Republicans like lives depend on it (they do), then you’ve completely lost the plot.

    One side ® is starting Pograms and threatening genocide against millions of immigrants. The other (D) doesn’t promise your ideal leftist utopia. Think hard about which of these concessions you’re willing to accept as you continue constantly attacking Democrats with nobody lined up to replace them but Republicans.

  • Between AI and shitcoin mining, these two “technology branches” already consume more power than all the green power added to the grid combined.

    I think you would be shocked if you learned what some other things in our world cost in CO2.

    The energy costs of cryptocurrency mining are easy to calculate because the system is extremely transparent. AI is a little muddier, but we know how much big tech is expanding data centers, and we know how many enterprise GPUs Nvidia sells, so we get a decent estimate.

    But these things don’t actually do as much damage as compared to other things. Imagine how much energy is used for Gaming PCs and consoles. It’s probably up there with Crypto and AI if you consider all running consoles and PCs, plus all the multiplayer infrastructure. But we don’t have numbers because this is hard to calculate.

    And then there’s stuff like personal automobiles, that completely blow these other things out-of-the-water.