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In 1980, white people accounted for about 80 percent of the U.S. population.

In 2024, white people account for about 58 percent of the U.S. population.

Trump appeals to white people gripped by demographic hysteria. Especially older white people who grew up when white people represented a much larger share of the population. They fear becoming a minority.

While the Census Bureau says there are still 195 million white people in America and that they are still the majority, the white population actually declined slightly in 2023, and experts believe that they will become a minority sometime between 2040 and 2050.

Every component of the Trump-Republican agenda flows from these demographic fears.

The Trump phenomenon and the surge of right-wing extremism in America was never about economic anxiety, as too many political reporters claimed during the 2016 presidential campaign.

It was, and still is, about race and racism.

    1 month ago

    articles like these which insinuate that Trump’s campaign is primarily about racism

    It’s not insinuating anything. It’s make a very factual statement. It’s so exhausting that you and others come to the defense. Their core is 100% racism. Accept this and then we can finally start moving forward.

      1 month ago

      Also there is no healing the divide, that’s an insane idea. You don’t sit at the same table with people who want to kill and maim and destroy other people. Fuck that stupid shit, you all spent decades sitting on your thumbs while this crap was cooking - you can’t heal shit now

        1 month ago

        you all spent decades sitting on your thumbs while this crap was cooking

        Young people are the ones inheriting this issue from the people who did this for ‘decades’, and are having to deal with it. Old people in the Democratic Party should not be absolved of blame for their inaction for decades over the spread of racism on the Right and doing nothing, but, concurrently, young people shouldn’t be blamed for the ‘sins of their fathers’, when they’re clearly trying to change the party. I would personally love if we could ditch the DNC as a political apparatus, and let them all die in bankrupt obscurity, but using this as a weapon against people who are now actually trying to push change is just itself serving to bolster their racist opponents.

          1 month ago

          And there is in fact one matter where trumpists are right - the media is a complete and utter shitshow, it’s like they’re insane. I guess the far right and capital go hand in hand but this is fucking ridiculous.

      1 month ago

      There’s a big difference between saying “a majority of his supporters are racist” and “their core is 100% racism.” This is exactly the trap you have to avoid if you want to start moving forward.

      There’s also a big difference between defending racism and pointing out the fact that-- like it or not-- some Trump supporters are minorities, and that forces us to accept that there’s something besides racism at play here.

      Is this exhausting? Absolutely. Trump should not even be eligible to run for public office as far as I’m concerned, and yet here we are, dealing with the third straight Presidential election where we have to ask ourselves why his polling numbers are as high as they are despite how thoroughly awful he is as a human being. And because people are tired, we’re willing to accept an easy answer rather than dig deeper.

      But if we dismiss this recurring nightmare yet again by saying that only racists voted for him, there’s no point in trying to debate a racist, so we should never engage with any Trump voter, ever, until the End of Time? Then progress isn’t going to last very long, because we’ll have failed to understand why some people believe so strongly that the system is broken that they’d rather vote for a convicted felon than someone who is actually qualified to be President. That sentiment is only going to spread if we don’t figure out why so many people are feeling so disaffected.

      It’s like we’ve discovered a weird lump on our collective pancreas. It’s uncomfortable, we don’t want to think about it, and we all hope that it’ll just go away, but no. You have to biopsy that thing. Ignoring it would be irresponsible.

        1 month ago

        There’s a big difference between saying “a majority of his supporters are racist” and “their core is 100% racism.”

        Core != All ; “their core” == “a majority of his supporters” – This inherently allows for the dimwits that are so fucking stupid that they support him and his racism even though they are black as well as any other what aboutism you’d like to conjure up.

        There are low-income people who constantly vote against their own best interests and ensure they will stay poor. It happens. There are stupid people in the world. By gutting education, Tump and his lackeys seek to make even more stupid people to lead around by the nose.

        We can start having the other conversations when we can nail down that it is an absolute truth that Trump and his core are racist.

          1 month ago

          Okay, I think we’re on the same page; we’re just saying it two different ways. Trump and his core/inner circle are racist? Yes, agreed. There are low-income people who are voting against their best interests, and gutting education makes it even worse? Yes, also agreed.

          The key point I’m trying to make is: it’s not inherently the fault of these lower-income people that conservatives have actively tried to keep them stupid. Lumping these unlucky rubes in with the actual malefactors isn’t helpful, it’s just kicking them when they’re already down.

            1 month ago

            Yes, it sounds like we are. Unfortunately, you saw how difficult that was to get aligned on something so simple. Yet, until everyone is aligned on that, the excuse making will continue. Those who know and are racist are provided free cover and distraction. Those who don’t know don’t know who to believe, so they stick with what they think they know.