• Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    What happened to the other person?

    I’ve noticed that this happens a lot. It’s “what poll?” “this poll” and then all of a sudden some other person jumps in with a new line of questioning.

    I have no clue. That’s kind of a fundamental part of this format of social media. Multiple people can converse with different viewpoints.

    I absolutely refuse to accept the logic that it would have been better to have a month of infighting about who the candidate should be, as opposed to unifying behind a single strong candidate who was leading in the polls. Who would you rather have had?

    I don’t think it would’ve been good either. Like I said:

    I personally have no issue with Harris as the nominee, the process that got her there, and she has my vote.

    I would’ve preferred this whole mess have been avoided so there could have been actual primary during the normal primary timeframe. Maybe Harris would’ve came out on top, maybe not. Without any campaigning I’m not going to take any of the “literally anyone besides who is actually running” polls from the primary season seriously.